Wednesday 27 March 2013


this site is kinda plain. It does not have much design to it and not much col

Friday 22 March 2013

March 22

This week we worked on our info commercial. Friday is our last day to film. Thursday we had a pep rally for the basketball team. We watched a video about graphic design. We finished our video today of power spray.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Art web design

When doing web design you need to make sure you have the right colour pattern.

People visit web pages for content. They like yo know what other people are doing in there life it what we do as humans that is why people like facebook and twitter.

You have to make sure that your page is easy to use and visit.

Make sure your page is not cluttered with information.

If you have to much colour people may get distracted with that than what is on the page.

Fonts for a title should be bold so it takes the people attention to draw people in.

Features that narrows down what you are looking for.

Monday 18 March 2013

Last week we worked on our copyright assignment and finished it. We also did planning for our commercial. Friday I was helping setting up for the My generation youth rally that was held here. I came for both saturday and sunday it was fun for the most part. Our commercial is about power spray that turns you from a loser to an amazing person. I can not remember anything else to say.

Monday 11 March 2013

1).  When using someone else's work you should check who owns it, Get permission to use it, Give credit to the creator, Buy it (is necessary), and make sure to use it responsibly. When using someone's work you may want to think of it as how would you feel if someone used your work for there own need with out asking you.

2). I would use Creative Commons. I would be fine with people it using it as long as people using it gave me credit for it. Since some times people do need help with there work and I am willing to help as long as they thank me or give me credit for it.

Thursday 7 March 2013

This week we worked on our Juno poster and handed it in. We worked on a copyright assignment about copyright. Today we started planing for our info commercial. Our commercial  is about power spray changing people from weak no friends to strong good looking man.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

This  week we worked on our certificate for a design contest were if we win we get money. I found the previous designs to be plain and do not know how they won they were simple. It does not matter if I win or not. The next thing we are doing is a Juno poster for the Junos that Regina and moose Jaw are hosting. This week went by slow since we had that week off before.